
Sunday, August 21, 2011

My new favorite store... FABRIC RECYCLES

This past Friday while on my way to the grocery store, I made a pit stop.... do you ever do that?

I decided before getting groceries I would stop by an estate sale listed in a vacant store.  As I was looking at the vacant store front, I noticed the store next to it had a store sign FABRIC RECYCLES

Fabric Recycles has been opened since October 2010, but it was the first time I had noticed it.  Glad I took off my blinders!  

I spent three incredible hours shopping.  Oh, did I have fun!! I also enjoyed chatting with Fabric Recycles owner Page Burns, and assistant Jeanette Knittel of Prairie Diva Designs

Fabric Recycles offers new and vintage textiles and related items.  The items can be bits and pieces of beads, buttons, lace, material, patterns, quilting, ribbons, sewing machines, trim, etc.  

Prices are amazing - there's even a bin of lace, trim & ribbon for .10 cents per yard!

I brought home 5 bags full of goodies and spent far less than I ever would at an estate sale or flea market. 

I've tidied up all the pieces into nice bundles to help me organize them.  Here are the goodies that found a new home with me...
Fills up a full size bed
(click images to enlarge)

Yes that roll is 18 ounces of wool!
See the pile on the right of dyed scraps of wool

Treasure... two vintage silk fringed ribbons!  Too bad I'm not a better photographer as this photo does not show their real beauty 

Gorgeous Victorian black glass bead work- Yum!

Fabric Recycles is located in Overland Park, KS (Kansas City Metro area).
While these wonderful items make my heart smile just looking at them, I really do need to get creative and not just hoard them... do you know that feeling??


  1. I know that feeling exactly! Don't even want to put them up do you? Wow they're just gorgeous!

    Hugs XX

  2. Oh my gosh I do know that feeling! I am swooning over your buys. That store in itself is worth another visit to Kansas! It's like my dream store!!

  3. That's the store I told you about that I thought we could ask about having a meeting there sometime... pretty things!

  4. oh my god, why did i move from kansas city- ugg... my friend pam sent me the link to ur wonderful blog....
