
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Remembering England & France 2010 - London Days

On Day 7 we returned from Briare, France to Paris and then took the Chunnel back to London for the remainder of our vacation.

While waiting for our train to London, Tara treated me with a belated Birthday goodie...
Can you say yum?

In London we stayed with Tara's son Aaron, his wife Anya & grandson Riley.  Thank you guys for your tremendous hospitality!

Grandma Tara & Riley

The bus & Tube transportation systems make getting around both Paris & London easy "Mind the Gap"


We still did a lot of walking - easily 5 - 12 miles daily.

Here's the first half of our London visit... 
Tami & Tara ready for a boat ride in
Little Venice, London
Beautiful bronze horse sculpture at the 
At the end of our Little Venice boat ride was the Camden Stable Market.  It is a unique open air market of 700 shops and restaurants.
In Victorian days, the Camden Stable was a horse stable & hospital for work horses that pulled barges down the canals to bring merchandise into London.

 This tribute to The Women of WWII was in the middle of a busy street - that's one way to get it noticed!
We were walking down a sidewalk and I just happened to look up and see this building plaque - once the home of Charles Dickens

Neither the horse or man twitched a muscle - well trained

Classic photo: phone booth, double decker bus and Big Ben

Big Ben

Tara & Tami in front of Parliament and Big Ben

London Eye

We walked 'The Queen's Walk' - I am holding a snap together button I found on the sidewalk in front of The Queen's Walk statute.  The Queen gave me a button!

Tower Bridge

The Tower of London

Front gates to Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace

The Union Jack is flying - the Queen is home

The Button Queen 

Tara & son Aaron at Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese Rebuilt 1667 restaurant.  This building burnt down in the 1666 Great London fire.  It was rebuilt in 1667 and still stands today as a restaurant.  

Well are you tired yet?  These photos spanned over a couple of days... we were tired, but not willing to give into exhaustion yet.

Join us tomorrow as we remember the last leg of our London journey.

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