
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Canvas Art Giveaway WINNER

My canvas art giveaway ended last night at midnight.

All my wonderful blog followers that left comments on this blog
between Sept. 9th - 25th were entered in this giveaway.
Each comment per follower was entered.

Some followers have blogs and some do not.
Having a blog was not required to participate in this giveaway. 

This morning the winner was randomly selected.
And the winner is...
Lisa has a a blog.
You can visit Lisa on her blog A Peaceful Place To Be

Thank YOU to all my followers for keeping my blog on your follow list, your encouragement & kindness, your hugs & laughter, and most of all your friendships! 

A special Thank YOU to those followers that participated in my canvas art giveaway... your comments let me know you are out there - that my blog is enjoyed by others...
that means so much to me! 

I wished you all could have won, but only one winner for this giveaway.

Congratulations Lisa! 


  1. Tami - Thank you so very much! This gorgeous canvas arrived the other day in the mail and I am so excited and can't wait to get it hung up in my office. I love having creative friends.. :)

  2. I got here from Indulge Your Shelf. Anyone that could make such a cool plaque, I HAD to follow! Looking forward to alot more cool stuff!
