
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Halloween Altered Paper Bag Swap

I recently participated in two Halloween swaps from Vintage Dragonfly's Flickr craft group.
One of these swaps was a Halloween altered paper bag swap...that's right a paper lunch bag.    

Who knew paper lunch bags like this

 could be turned into something so wonderfully creative?

By folding the paper bag in half you will create a front page, left & right center pages and a back page with an opening pocket (the top opening of the lunch bag).

Leave a 3/4" margin on the right side of all pages so they can be hole punched allowing additional pages from other swappers to be added.   

Assembly tips:
  • Be sure and leave a 3/4" margin on the right side of all pages free of decoration.
  • Consider using Washi or similar tape or even gluing decorative paper over the the side flaps of all pages - this keeps it sturdy and helps to keep the pocket from tearing.   
  • Create an additional tag, bookmark, picture, etc. to insert in the pocket.
  • Use binder rings, ribbon, lace, etc. strung through the margin holes to join pages together.
  • Be sure and sign your work! 
  • Swappers mailed their pages along with a return shipping fee to Vintage Dragonfly.  She bound our books with each person's personal pages as the front cover and and then mailed them back to each swapper.

 So what started like this

turned into this
My front page

  My inside pages with my tag sticking out of the pocket page

Left page: My back page
Right Page: JoAnne Balaz  front page

JoAnne Balaz - center pages with tag

 Left page: JoAnne Balaz - back page
Right page: Erica Hofstetter - front page

Erica Hofstetter - center pages with tag

 Left page: Erica Hofstetter - back page
Right page: Kimberly Law - front page

 Kimberly Law- center pages with tag

 Kimberly Law - back page

Thank you JoAnne at Vintage Dragonfly for hosting another fun & creative swap! 
Thank you also to JoAnne, Erica & Kimberly for your creative talents on your swap pages!

I love my book!


  1. That looks like such a fun swap, Tami. I would have enjoyed that one. I think I'll have to fiddle with this project, if not for Halloween, then for some other fun book or theme! Thanks for the directions -- if I end up with questions, may I ask?

    1. Jeanie, absolutely if you have any questions creating one of these books just give me a holler…I’ll try my best to answer it. Please share your book when you get it done!

  2. It was so much fun and I also love the finished book. Thanks for being part of it Tami!

    1. JoAnne, Thank you so much for hosting this swap! I adore my finished book!

  3. Lovely work by all of you! What a nice Halloween treasure to have.

    1. Thanks Terri! It really is a fun Halloween treasure to have!
