
Sunday, October 4, 2015

Autumn Road Trips

Along with the cool, crisp temperatures comes Autumn road trips!

Julie & I recently hit one of our favs, the 

It runs about 400 miles from the border of Missouri , across Kansas to the Colorado border.  We've done sections of the flea market run over the years, but have yet to complete its entirety.   

Sometimes we've treasure hunted in group caravans, but mostly it's just Julie & me doing a Girls Road Trip!  

I no longer hunt for resale, so my purchases are usually for my personal collections or smaller pieces for creating artwork.

Here's our recent 36 Treasure Hunt road trip
 Some sales were up driveways directly on Highway 36

While other sales were a bit off the beaten path in farm country.  
We saw several rural homes that had awesome backyard entertaining areas; however, today they were filled with treasures.

 And some sales were back in the cornfields

Most small towns along Highway 36 offered city-wide sales like this city building full of treasures.

While prices have increased over the years, good deals
can still be found.
My treasure hunt prices ranged .10 - $5.00 each. 

Here are my treasures for the day

 Awesome Lucite & Bakelite butterfly pin!

 Fun, vintage Sarah Coventry owl mesh bracelet

I'm hoping this is a Mandarin Hat button!!
I need to do more research as I have never seen one that is only brass filigree with no gemstone.  

These pieces should make great frames for some artsy project.

This sky indicated it was time to cut our hunt short and head home
By the time Julie dropped me off and she headed home, she drove home during a tornado.  
Yikes, what we'll do for a good treasure hunt!


  1. Lucky you! A great haul and looks like tons of fun!

  2. Oh my gosh what great stuff! Love the buckles buttons and Lucite!

  3. So many great finds! I especially love the hats, pins, and buckles. Oh, and the dog book! Looks like a really nice day overall. Glad Julie made it home safely!

  4. I seen several things I would have picked up also
    Looked like a good day for you
    I would have enjoyed going in all the old barns and building looking around
