
Friday, July 20, 2018

Morning Backyard Stroll

Summer is my least favorite season -- don't like the heat!

Recent rain and an overcast morning sky
gave way to a cooler morning!

It was comfortable enough to sit outside on our
patio and sip a cup of 'hot' coffee.

Belle & George focused their morning activity
pursuing chipmunks.

I snapped a few backyard photos and
comfortably sipped on a 2nd cup of 'hot' coffee.

Morning dew drops

While it was a really nice morning, I anxiously await Autumn!


  1. There is nothing I like better than strolling through a beautiful garden and seeing all the little crooks and crannies. Your backyard is a delight, so lush and gorgeous:)

    1. Hi Connie! Thanks for taking a stroll with me! This Summer has been so hot. Watering the flower beds daily. Take Care, Tami

  2. tami your garden is beautiful..glad it was cooler so you could enjoy some time relaxing with coffee...don't you love how rose of Sharon blooms look all folded up...have a great week..sending hugs

    1. Hi Lynn! I am so sorry for my overdue response. Catching up on Thanks for visiting and sharing my garden stroll with me. I love the Rose of Sharons, especially when they are curled up as a bud. They love this area in our yard. We have to do a lot of pruning on them to keep them under control. Big Hugs to you!!

  3. Your garden looks beautiful, and I especially loved seeing Belle and George again! I, too, am looking forward to cooler temps and that touch of fall in the air.

  4. Hi Terri! Great to hear from you! I am so sorry this reply is way overdue. I've been catching up on emails. Have you been to Hobby Lobby recently? They are full of Autumn & Christmas stuff...already getting holiday ideas and looking forward to cooler weather. Hugs to you!!

  5. I agree with you , I hate this HOT weather , so far today my car temperature said 102, suppose to be high 90's and guess it went over predicted temperature.

    It was nice early as I stood in an line for estate sale for almost an hour to get in.
    I like seeing your dogs out for a early morning snooping around
    Glad you came over to my blog, seems I have missed you
