
Monday, August 29, 2011

Creative Button Swap Registration ends soon...

Registration Reminder:  Registration for my Creative No Harm Button Swap ends at 10 pm this Friday, September 2, 2011.

There are a few open slots available if you want to participate.  Please go to my original post for Registration details and Swap Guidelines.

I will randomly select swap partners and post swap partners on this blog Saturday Sept. 3, 2011.  I will also notify swap partners directly of their swap partner contact information. 

Please email me if you have questions - be sure and write Creative Button Swap in your email subject line.

I am so EXCITED to see what everyone creates!  Enjoy and have fun!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

My new favorite store... FABRIC RECYCLES

This past Friday while on my way to the grocery store, I made a pit stop.... do you ever do that?

I decided before getting groceries I would stop by an estate sale listed in a vacant store.  As I was looking at the vacant store front, I noticed the store next to it had a store sign FABRIC RECYCLES

Fabric Recycles has been opened since October 2010, but it was the first time I had noticed it.  Glad I took off my blinders!  

I spent three incredible hours shopping.  Oh, did I have fun!! I also enjoyed chatting with Fabric Recycles owner Page Burns, and assistant Jeanette Knittel of Prairie Diva Designs

Fabric Recycles offers new and vintage textiles and related items.  The items can be bits and pieces of beads, buttons, lace, material, patterns, quilting, ribbons, sewing machines, trim, etc.  

Prices are amazing - there's even a bin of lace, trim & ribbon for .10 cents per yard!

I brought home 5 bags full of goodies and spent far less than I ever would at an estate sale or flea market. 

I've tidied up all the pieces into nice bundles to help me organize them.  Here are the goodies that found a new home with me...
Fills up a full size bed
(click images to enlarge)

Yes that roll is 18 ounces of wool!
See the pile on the right of dyed scraps of wool

Treasure... two vintage silk fringed ribbons!  Too bad I'm not a better photographer as this photo does not show their real beauty 

Gorgeous Victorian black glass bead work- Yum!

Fabric Recycles is located in Overland Park, KS (Kansas City Metro area).
While these wonderful items make my heart smile just looking at them, I really do need to get creative and not just hoard them... do you know that feeling??

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Buckles & Buttons- Woot, Woot!

I've received a few request to post my button trays from my sidebar so you can see them better.  You can click on the image to enlarge it.

Celluloid, assorted - 2009 Kansas State Button Society, 
Best of Show

Celluloid, specialized to Bubble Tops, 2007 Kansas State Button Society, 1st Place

Celluloid, specialized to Wafers, 2009 Kansas State Button Society, 1st Place

In loving memory of my mother Wilma M. Jeffery,
Elephants, assorted materials

Specialized to Cats & Rabbits,
assorted materials

 Glass mounted in/on metal
(sorry for the glare in this photo - the buttons are prettier than they appear)

Matching Pairs (aka Mothers & Daughters)

Rabbits & Roosters, assorted materials

Buckles, assorted materials, 2009 Kansas State Button Society, 1st Place

These buckles & buttons are circa 1860s - mid 2000.
I am always amazed at the many techniques, materials and designs used in creating buckles & buttons.  

Thanks for taking a peek at some of my buckles & buttons!

Friday, August 12, 2011

How about a Creative Button Swap?

You'll notice from my blog that I love antique & collectible clothing buttons.

 A new word on the waiting list for the dictionaries is buttonologist: One who collects, studies and helps preserve antique and collectible clothing buttons as historical artifacts.  

That's me, a buttonologist.  I've been collecting, studying and preserving antique, vintage, modern, and studio clothing buttons since 1996. 

Quality collectible buttons are like any other antique or collectible item - they tell history, they have financial value and are sought by those that enjoy them.

Like all quality antiques and collectibles, it is important to preserve quality buttons in their original condition.

Would you be interested in a Creative Button Swap?

Here are some examples of mounting buttons creatively using NO HARM methods

Button Scrabble by Linda Kelly

  • Linda cleverly created her Scrabble puzzle with words that match her chosen button designs                                           
    • Darling! Vintage buttons sewn onto fabric then mounted on an old clip board & adorned with ribbons & lace - the added needlework adds so much charm

    Decadent Delights by Linda Kelly

    • Deluxe quality antique buttons creatively displayed as "Confections to Please every Palate"  The date of 1938 honors when the National Button Society was founded                                           
       I created this piece of Halloween wall art using covered matboard

      Swap Guidelines

      1.  All swaps must use NO HARM button mounting  techniques – Please do not remove shanks or damage buttons to create your item
      • It is always best to sew on buttons or use plastic-coated telephone wire                                        
      • Do not use metal wire or pipe cleaners to mount buttons as some button materials will react and disintegrate  
      • If the button is a sew-through button, pierce the matboard (surface) with an awl creating enough holes to match the holes of the sew-through button.  You can either sew on the button or use  plastic-coated telephone wire through the button holes, coil it on the backside to secure the button
      • To mount a button with a shank, pierce the matboard (surface) with an awl, thread plastic-coated telephone wire through the shank and gently push the shank through the hole, coil the wire on the backside to secure the button
      2. Each Swap to include a minimum of five quality antique/vintage buttons
      •  Minimum of five buttons can be on a single item or multiple items
      3. Please use quality antique and/or vintage buttons- buttons that are at least 25 years to 100+ years old

         4.  Determining the ages of buttons for those that may not know buttons well can be iffy.  Please use your best judgment in selecting your buttons

         There are many newer buttons on the market that mimic vintage buttons.  Older buttons usually offer better craftsmanship & quality materials 

      5.  Creative mounting ideas: Art, Fabric, Home Decor, etc.- the ideas are endless 

      6.  Swap limited to the first 40 people that register on-time
         7.  Swappers please register with me.  In your email subject line list Creative Button Swap.  Please include your full name, email address, phone and home address

         8.  Registration ends 10pm on September 2, 2011

          9Swappers will be randomly assigned a swap partner

         10.  Postage will vary depending on the weight of each item, so all swappers will mail their item directly to their assigned swap partner 

         11. I will email assigned partners the mailing address of their swap partner

               12. Swap closing date is Friday, October 14, 2011

                  13. Please mail your swap item to your assigned partner by Friday, October 14, 2011

          14. I want to post your creative item, so email me a photo of your item ASAP.  I will post photos after the swap is over  

      Are you interested in participating in a Creative Mounting Button Swap?  If so, email me and let me know by September 2nd 

      Questions? - Please email me